
will i lose my green card

Will I Lose My Green Card if I Get a Divorce? I-751 Removal of Conditions Waiver

If you have received your green card through your marriage but you are either separated from your spouse or facing potential separation, one of the most common myths and fears that we hear from people is that they think they have to stay in a relationship or pretend they’re still in a relationship in order…

received noid

Help! I Received a NOID (Notice of Intent to Deny) USCIS

If you are going through the immigration process, it’s really important to know what a NOID is, how to avoid it, and what to do if you receive one. NOIDs or Notices of Intent to Deny is when immigration or an officer determines that they don’t have enough information to give an approval on your…

how much relationship evidence

USCIS I130 and I129F: How Much Relationship Evidence Do You Need?

If you are already in an immigration process or if you’re looking to start an immigration process, one of the big things that you have to do with your immigration case is show immigration that you have something called a bona fide relationship or a bona fide marriage. That is just a legal jargon to…

requests for evidence

Request for Evidence (RFE) – What Next?

  Let’s talk about Requests for Evidence, also known as an RFE. A request from immigration for more documents or for more information. USCIS will send a document if they need more information titled, Request for Evidence. If you are starting out in your immigration journey or if you’re already in your immigration journey, you’ve probably…

green card extension

Green Card Extension Rule – 2021

For individuals who have a green card, a 10-year green card specifically, when you renew that green card or if it has expired, part of the process is you’ll go for a fingerprint appointment where immigration would put a stamp on your card extending your green card. There has been a change recently. What’s going…

can i get married online

Can I Get Married Online to File for a CR1 Spouse Visa?

Can I get married online and then file for a spouse visa that way? A lot of people are asking this because the fiancé visas require you to have met in person within the two years before you filed for your fiancé visa. Some people have not been able to meet in person unfortunately because…

expedite requests

Expedite Requests for K1 Fiancé and CR1 Spouse Interviews

Let’s dive into expedite request options for K1 fiancé visa petitions and also for CR1 or immediate relative marriage-based petitions. For those of you who are going through the process, if you already have an approved I-129F fiancé visa petition or if you already have an approved I-130 petition based on your marriage, the next…

travel to the us

Travel to the United States While I-129F and I130 is Pending

When your fiancé petition, your I129F, or your I130 is pending, are you allowed to visit the United States as a visitor with your fiancé or your spouse? This is a huge question. People have been separated for a long time. The cases are taking a very long time to process. In order to be…

marriage interview tips

Top USCIS Marriage Interview Tips

For most couples going through the immigration process, the interview is probably something you’re very nervous about and have been thinking about since the beginning. I want to clarify that this is primarily applicable to applications or individuals who are applying for adjustment of status which is a process here in the United States. A…

the truth about adjusting status

The Truth About Adjusting Status After Coming to USA with ESTA or Tourist Visa (Don’t Buy the Hype!)

I want to talk about the truth about the often mentioned online strategy about coming in with a tourist visa or using your ESTA and then adjusting your status after getting married in the United States. Apparently there are a lot of people out there, even lawyers, who are advising people to do that. It’s…

goodbye form i944

Goodbye Form I-944!

The great news is that we get to say goodbye to form I-944 and all the extra hurdles that were created by the public charge final rule. I posted a video the other day on the ninth of March announcing the great news of the Biden administration withdrawing the appeal in Supreme Court. Watch that…

good news public charge updates

GREAT NEWS! Public Charge Updates (March 2021)

What is this great news as it relates to public charge? The Biden administration withdrew the appeal that was pending in the Supreme Court for public charge that had been filed by immigration. For those of you who have been going through an immigration process for a while now, you know about public charge and the…

top marriage interview questions

Top Marriage Interview Questions in 2020

If you’re preparing for a marriage-based interview, one of your main questions is going to be, “What kind of questions are they going to ask us?” There are some things that the immigration officers across the country like to ask to see if the relationship is legitimate. There are a few main categories that are…

us embassy and consular interviews

Update: US Embassy and Consular Interviews

Let’s dive in to what is the status of US embassy and consulate interviews as of December 2020. For many of you who are going through the process, part of the process involves an interview at a US embassy or consulate if you’re going through the CR1 or IR1 or K1 process. For those of…

how to bring ur fiance to the us

K1 Visa – How to Bring Your Fiancé to the US

Let’s discuss the K1 fiancé visa. When you’re applying for this visa, you likely have fallen in love with someone from another country and you’re really excited about being able to start your lives together. Congratulations on your relationship! We’re really excited for you and we know how important it is for you to have information…

Divorce After Green Card

Divorce After Green Card: How It Affects You

I’d like to discuss with you the impact of divorce on your green card. Here at our firm, we know the immigration journey is long and you’ve worked really hard and waited a while to receive your green card. It’s very important for you to be able to keep your lawful status and continue your…

waiver k1

Waiver of K1 In-Person Meeting for COVID

Can K1 visa be waived because of COVID-19 and not being able to meet in person? There is a requirement when people are applying for a K1 fiancé visa that you have met your fiancé in person, physically, within the past two years from the point when you file the petition. A lot of people…

US embassy interview

Change Location of US Embassy Interview

Can I change the location of my US embassy or consulate interview to another US embassy or consulate? We understand that the reason you’re asking this question is because you’re wanting to be creative and try to find the fastest route to be together. We love that you’re being creative and that’s what we do…

speed up immigration case

4 Ways to Speed Up Your Immigration Case with USCIS

I’ll be discussing with you four ways that can help to speed up your immigration process. We know how important it is for you to be able to be with your spouse, with your family, to be able to start your future without an immigration cloud hanging over you. This is a question we receive…

waived biometrics appointment

Good News – Waived Biometrics Appointment 2021

Biometrics appointments being waived. This is the great news. For those of you who aren’t familiar with what a biometrics appointment is, I’d like to give you a little bit of a background of exactly what it is. I will speak to applications as it relates to immigration for couples. That is what we focus…

delayed receipt and biometrics notices

Delayed Receipt and Biometrics Notices: January 2021

I want to give you an update about delayed receipt notices and biometrics notices. We know we’ve been getting a lot of questions about this and so, we wanted to provide you all with some clarity about what’s going on. What’s going on with receipt notices and biometrics notices? Like I said, we’ve had a lot…

uscis process cases

How Does USCIS Process Cases

We’ve had a lot of people asking, “how does USCIS process cases?”. A lot of people are asking this because they’re saying, “There’s other people that I know or other people in the group that have gotten a receipt notice before me but I filed my application before them or they got a decision months…

changes to n400

Changes to N400 Civics Test (Again) February 2021

The great news that I’m sharing with you today is regarding the USCIS civics test for naturalization. For those of you who are going through the naturalization process, you may know that immigration introduced a change in December 1st of 2020 that expanded the civics test from 100 questions to 128 questions. They also made…

disqualifying medical conditions

Disqualifying Medical Conditions – USCIS

What medical conditions disqualify people from passing their medical exam? Either with USCIS because they’re adjusting their status inside the United States or if they’re abroad and they’re getting a fiance visa or a spouse visa, you have to go through a medical clearance process. There’s a lot of concern and fear out there if…

Do I need to have a formal engagement for the I-129F?

There is a great question floating around the internet currently about how formal does your engagement actually have to be to qualify for a fiancé(e) visa. If you’re getting ready to apply for the I-129F application which is the first step in obtaining a fiancé(e) visa, you have to be engaged. What does that mean?…

Trump’s New Executive Order in 2020

So you probably saw the tweet… We’re facing a potential new immigration executive order this week. We understand it is already an incredibly stressful time with everything happening with COVID-19 and the last thing you want to hear in the news is that there could be immigration changes that negatively impact you. We feel the…

Fiance engagement ring K-1

Overview of the K-1 Fiance Visa Process in 2020

If you’re engaged and starting to look ahead to the fiance visa process, you’re probably wondering what the visa journey will look like. There are three different main phases of paperwork when applying for a K1 fiance visa. Read on for all of the highlights! The Petition The first step is a “petition.” The petitioning…


My Spouse and I Don’t Share a Bank Account. Will USCIS Care?

Bona Fide Relationship Evidence USCIS officers have a tough job. They must decide whether someone is in a real marriage just by looking at some documents and then talking to the couple for about 20 minutes. Many of them have developed a super sharp intuitive ability to spot fake relationships. At the same time, they…

relationship evidence

What NOT to Include in Your Relationship Evidence: #3 Alcohol Use

What Not to Include in Relationship Evidence Welcome back to our article series on what not to include in your application as evidence of your relationship. As mentioned previously, it is easy to submit things with your best intentions that you think will prove your relationship and accidentally cause yourself a lot more problems. As…

fiancé visa

Can My Fiance Get a K-1 Visa From Inside the United States?

It seems logical enough that if you’re engaged to marry someone from a foreign country, you need a fiance visa. And many times, it is what the person needs. However, there are some circumstances in which it doesn’t make sense to try to get a fiance visa for your foreign fiance. One of these times…