Fiancé Visa Evidence

We look at all of the evidence that we might have for a couple and that really is tailored to that specific couple. There is nothing that is definitive. There can be receipts, engagement photos, engagement ceremony, or engagement rings.

Many couples may not have those things and so, we really tailor the evidence that we supply to that couple themselves, and what they do have to show the bonafide of that relationship and that’s really what you’re going for there.

They will visit other countries together, meet up in other countries, vacation, celebrate birthdays, celebrate holidays, see family. Sometimes, that does involve family dinners, AirBnB stays, hotel stays. We certainly will use all of those things to show that time frame that they visited, including passport stamps. Again, none of those are necessarily required for that application.

We really look at the situation for that couple and then fashion or tailor the evidence that we supply to that couple themselves. What they have done, what kind of evidence they do have that we can then supply to try to eliminate any questions as to the authenticity of their relationship.

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