Documents You Need for Your Greencard Interview

If you’ve recently been scheduled for a counselor or Embassy interview, you’re likely filled with excitement and anticipation. But you might also be wondering, “What documents should I take with me to my interview?” Keep in mind that the specific requirements can vary based on your country of origin and your unique case but we’ll outline three main categories of evidence to ensure you’re well-prepared for your interview.

Category 1: Civil Documents Your civil evidence is the first category of documents to consider. These are documents that help establish your identity and history. It typically includes:

  • Your birth certificate.
  • Divorce decrees from prior marriages (if applicable).
  • The marriage certificate from your current marriage.
  • Other biographical documents, such as name change records or adoption documents.

It’s important to note that the specific civil documents required may vary depending on your individual circumstances. Ensure you gather all relevant documents that pertain to your case.

Category 2: Financial Evidence The second category you should focus on is financial evidence. This category is particularly crucial to demonstrate that the US petitioner for your case has the financial means to support your immigration. The typical financial documents you should bring include:

  • Three years of tax returns and tax transcripts.
  • For business owners, additional financial documents may be necessary.
  • Paycheck stubs and any other financial records that support the petitioner’s financial stability.

These financial documents are vital in ensuring the interviewing officer that the financial requirements are met.

Category 3: Relationship Evidence The third and perhaps most critical category is relationship evidence. Your goal is to prove that your relationship is genuine and based on love. Your relationship evidence should be updated and may include the following:

  • Continued communication between you and your spouse.
  • Messages, letters, or emails exchanged.
  • Documentation of trips taken to visit each other.
  • Photographs together that show the progression of your relationship.

Remember that you’ve likely already submitted some of this evidence during the initial application process. The interview is an opportunity to provide further proof of your genuine relationship.

To ensure you’re fully prepared, take advantage of the National Visa Center’s “Prepare for Your Interview” document list. Additionally, the US Embassy or consulate may provide you with a specific document list tailored to your country.

There’s no one-size-fits-all document checklist for counselor or Embassy interviews, as requirements can vary based on your individual circumstances and country of origin. Pay close attention to the lists provided by the National Visa Center and the specific embassy or consulate you’ll be visiting and always be prepared to provide any additional documents that the immigration officer may request during the interview.

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