When Should I Start My Immigration Case?

Starting an immigration case is a significant step for couples planning to spend their lives together. For those in a relationship and considering marriage, it’s crucial to understand when to initiate this process. Our aim is to guide you through this journey and provide resources to make informed decisions.



The Early Bird Advantage

Many couples express regret about not beginning their immigration case sooner. Starting early offers ample time for research and preparation, ensuring you’re well-equipped for the journey ahead. Our free resource center is designed to help you explore and understand what lies ahead.

Debunking Myths: No Mandatory Waiting Period

Contrary to popular rumors, there isn’t a specific waiting period before you can file your immigration case. The key is proving the authenticity of your relationship to immigration authorities. Each couple’s story is unique, and we specialize in helping you demonstrate your genuine bond.

Relationship Evidence: A Critical Factor

Gathering Sufficient Proof

A vital aspect of preparing for your immigration case is collecting adequate evidence to substantiate your relationship. This evidence plays a crucial role in the approval process, so it’s important to consider this when deciding to start your immigration journey.

Timing and Wait Times

Understanding Immigration Wait Times

While wait times for immigration processes fluctuate, waiting for shorter wait times isn’t necessarily advantageous. Immigration operates on a first-come-first-serve basis, so delaying your application in hopes of reduced wait times may not be beneficial.

Unpredictability in Processing Times

It’s possible for someone who filed months later to receive a decision sooner due to the various factors and variables in the immigration process. Therefore, it’s not advisable to delay filing based on current wait times.

When to File Your Case

Ultimately, the perfect time to start your immigration case is when you feel ready to begin your life together. Remember, it’s never too early to start preparing and researching. With our resources and expertise, we’re here to support you every step of the way in your journey toward a shared future.