Overview of the Marriage Adjustment of Status Process
Adjustment of Status is a popular option among couples because it involves fewer steps than other marriage-based options and allows the foreign spouse to stay in the United States and apply for work authorization while the case is pending. This video gives you an overview of the adjustment process from start to permanent green card!
FREE DOWNLOAD: Adjustment of Status Overview Chart
We've made a comprehensive chart that details the main steps you can expect in the process of obtaining your green card through adjustment of status. Sign up below for access!

Eligibility for Adjustment of Status
There are a few important requirements you and your partner must meet to be able to successfully adjust status in the United States. If you don't meet these requirements, check out our resources on Spouse Visas and Fiance Visas to see if one of these other options is a better fit for you.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Adjusting Status
Generally, if you're eligible to adjust status, we recommend you do it. However, there are definitely some specific scenarios in which you may prefer a different option.
Should I come on a B1B2 Visa or ESTA and Adjust Status?
Because of the advantages of adjustment of status, some couples try to circumvent the immigration laws by pretending to visit the U.S. while actually intending to stay and adjust status. We DON'T recommend this. Our attorneys have done many consults with tearful clients who tried this and faced serious immigration consequences. Much of the information about this online is outdated and this is much harder to get away with than it used to be. Our law firm cares enough about you to always tell you the truth about the laws, even when it's not what you want to hear.
Next Steps
Do you think Adjustment of Status is the right option for you and your significant other? Great! Keep in mind that visa processing times are probably longer than you would like, so the sooner you start your process, the better. If you're looking for an immigration law firm to be with you every step of the way, click the button below to schedule a consult. Or head back to the main resource page if you're still gathering info and considering your options.
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