K1 Visa Wait Times in 2023

The immigration process involves multiple steps, each with its own set of wait times. Estimating the total wait time involves considering all the various steps across different immigration departments and offices.

With that in mind, let’s dive into the details of K1 Visa wait times, focusing on the journey to bring your loved one to the United States.


The Initial Petition: 12 to 16 Months

Starting the K1 Visa process involves filing a petition with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This petition demonstrates the genuine nature of your relationship and your intent to marry. It also confirms that you’re eligible for marriage and have met within the past two years. As of June 2023, the wait time for this petition ranges from 12 to 16 months. However, it’s important to remember that wait times are fluid and can change.


National Visa Center Transition: 30 to 60 Days

Once your petition is approved by USCIS, it moves to the National Visa Center. Historically, the transition from USCIS to the National Visa Center took around 30 days or less but recently it has been closer to 30 to 60 days. This transfer is a crucial step, paving the way for further processing.


Embassy Processing and Interview Scheduling: 1 to 4 Months

Following the transition to the National Visa Center, your case is sent to the U.S embassy or consulate where the interview will take place. The time this takes depends on the specific embassy’s processing times. On average, this process takes between one to four months. Once your case is received by the embassy, you can begin preparations for the interview, including completing the application, gathering documents, scheduling a medical exam, and arranging the interview itself.


Interview Scheduling and Beyond: Being Prepared

The scheduling of the interview varies at different embassies. While some embassies offer quicker scheduling, others might not have immediate availability. Generally, you can expect the interview to be scheduled within a few months, giving you some autonomy in choosing a suitable time. Overall, the entire K1 Visa process, from the initial petition to the interview, can take about 18 months, on average.


Anticipating the Future: Should You Apply?

Despite seemingly long wait times, it’s crucial to consider the bigger picture. Immigration policies and wait times can change unexpectedly. Even if you’re faced with extensive waiting periods, having a petition in place can offer opportunities for the future. Just as pressure can create diamonds, the immigration journey can foster resilience and strength within couples. Keep in mind that having options available, even if they take time to materialize, can be a wise decision.


Our Services and Resources

While we primarily focus on couple-based cases, we also help with petitions involving parents and children. If you’re considering a sibling petition, we’re happy to discuss this during a consultation. At Immigration for Couples, we aim to equip you with accurate and updated information to navigate the immigration process successfully.

We also offer a free Resource Center on our website, where you’ll find helpful charts and a relationship evidence guide.


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