Trump’s New Executive Order in 2020

So you probably saw the tweet… We’re facing a potential new immigration executive order this week. We understand it is already an incredibly stressful time with everything happening with COVID-19 and the last thing you want to hear in the news is that there could be immigration changes that negatively impact you. We feel the same!

What we know so far

Right now, we don’t have any concrete details about what this temporary policy will look like other than a tweet and some vague statements. The general idea is that some visa types and green card categories may not be able to complete their cases in the next 60 days. If and when a written document or actual guidelines are released, we will review everything thoroughly and then notify you about what’s happening and what it means.

We will also be hosting a live chat on Facebook this coming Monday, April 27th at 7pm EDT so we can answer all of your questions. If you’re not already a member of our newly-formed Facebook Group “Immigration for Couples,” click here and sign up so you can join us for the event. We will also provide ongoing support of all kinds through the group.

What you should do right now

First of all, don’t panic! A 60-day delay on issuing immigration documents might actually be somewhat irrelevant at this point anyway since U.S. Embassies and USCIS offices are currently closed for interviews due to the coronavirus crisis.

For those of you who are currently in the process of gathering documents and evidence for your cases, please continue doing so. We will continue preparing your application to file as soon as possible. If your case is currently pending, there is nothing you need to do right now; we will continue to monitor your case status. If you’ve not yet hired for your immigration case, you might want to move forward so we can help you navigate this situation.

Some educated guesses about next steps

This is not our first rodeo with an impulsive, disorganized, and cruel immigration policy change from this administration. It’s sad that this is the new normal. However, the good news for you is that we’ve already gotten a lot of practice managing cases under these circumstances.

It is likely that, even for case types that will be affected, we will be able to still file some cases before the order takes effect. For applications that cannot be filed before then, we will line up the drafted applications to be ready to file at a moment’s notice when the inevitable court litigation begins. In similar situations in the past, we’ve been able to resume filing cases during windows of time when courts temporarily blocked Trump’s actions.

We’re here for you!

Please remember that you’re not alone in all of this. Our legal team is comprised of  professionals who’ve dedicated their lives to helping immigrants no matter the political whims of the moment. We won’t give up or back down. The global pandemic hasn’t stopped our operations, and neither will this. We will absolutely keep fighting for your loved ones to get permanent status in the U.S.!

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