Megan Pastrana

How do you get married in the United States?

By Megan Pastrana / August 11, 2023 /

  We’ve been flooded with questions about the process of getting married in the US which is exciting because that means that they are probably engaged or thinking of popping the question. As soon as they begin to entertain those thoughts, they start to wonder what the marriage process is like in the United States.…

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Top Consular Interview Questions for Spouse & Fiancé Visas

By Megan Pastrana / August 9, 2023 /

With both the Spouse Visa and the Fiancé Visa Processes, the Immigrant Beneficiary is required to attend an interview at a US Embassy or Consulate abroad. The purpose of this interview is for the consular officer to ask questions about the beneficiary’s immigration history and background because their job is to do a final check…

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My Spouse Visa Was Approved – What Next?

By Megan Pastrana / July 1, 2023 /

After your Consular Interview, they will let you know their final decision regarding your application. One outcome is that they say, “we can’t make a decision today.” If this happens, they’ll give you a piece of paper that explains why. It might state that they need more evidence, they might need a more complete background…

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Are you trying to control the uncontrollable?

By Megan Pastrana / June 23, 2023 /

  We’ve had quite a few appointments with clients recently and a lot of questions from our Facebook audience that tell us that many of you are stressing yourselves out and trying to control the uncontrollable. Why is the immigration process so long? Why is it so onerous? Why is it such a labyrinth? We…

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Can I work on a Tourist Visa?

By Megan Pastrana / June 23, 2023 /

  In the past several weeks we have been discussing immigration violations and waivers because we always receive a lot of questions from individuals who have gone to consular interviews thinking that everything was fine, that they were doing everything right during their application process, only to receive a denial – or from individuals whose…

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Understanding Your Next Steps After a Visa Denial After Your Consular Interview

By Megan Pastrana / June 23, 2023 /

The final step in securing a spouse or fiancé visa is the consular interview, a critical stage in the immigration process. During this interview, an immigration officer reviews the applicant’s details to determine eligibility for the visa. The outcome of this interview is pivotal, leading either to the granting of the visa or, in some…

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USCIS Updates

By Megan Pastrana / April 11, 2023 /

USCIS has dropped their COVID-19 emergency policies and this will impact us the most with regard to telephonic interviews. They are now or have been in the past always requiring people to be present for interviews, attorneys included. If you wanted to serve as an attorney representing that client or that particular family, we have…

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Important – Affidavit of Support Updates

By Megan Pastrana / April 11, 2023 /

Part of the immigration process to receive a green card requires that the petitioner, the United States citizen or lawful permanent resident, prove that he or she is financially able to provide support for their immigrant spouse or fiancé or the beneficiary. That is proved through a process called the Affidavit of Support. It’s a…

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Top 3 Things NOT to Do in Your Immigration Journey!!

By Megan Pastrana / April 11, 2023 /

There are three top things that we recommend that all of our clients avoid doing in their immigration journey and I want to share those top three tips with all of you. 1. Avoid checking your USCIS case status on a daily basis I know that that is the go-to place, especially with extremely long…

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Fiance Visa Questions: Minor Traffic Violations, Processing Locations, and Joint Sponsors

By Megan Pastrana / April 11, 2023 /

Processing Locations The fiancé visa process is initiated with an application or a petition to USCIS which are mainly processed in California. USCIS always looks at their processing centers and reviews them. If there are too many cases being processed at one site or it’s really struggling and it appears like that might be long…

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