Step Two of the Spouse Visa Process

If you’re working through the spouse visa process, you probably already know it’s a lot of paperwork and waiting. But each step you complete brings you closer to being with your spouse in the U.S. Step two involves dealing with the National Visa Center (NVC), a key part of the immigration process. While it might feel overwhelming, having a clear understanding of what to expect can make things feel a little more manageable.


What’s the National Visa Center (NVC)?

Think of the NVC as a place where your documents are collected and organized before your interview. They don’t make decisions about whether your visa will be approved—that comes later—but they do make sure you’ve submitted everything you need to. In other words, they act as a document hub, helping things move along.

At this point, you’ll need to upload some important documents, including police background checks and the affidavit of support. This affidavit is a form that proves you can financially support your spouse once they come to the U.S., which is a major part of the application. Don’t worry if that sounds a bit intimidating—many couples feel the same way, but knowing what’s expected and getting the right help can take a lot of the stress out of it.

What Happens After You Submit Everything?

Once your documents are uploaded and you’ve paid any fees, you’ll move on to the DS-260 form, which is the official application for your spouse visa. After that, the NVC will look over your file and send it off to the U.S. embassy or consulate for your interview. You’ll know things are on track when you get a notice saying your case is “documentarily qualified.” That just means your paperwork is good to go and you’re in line for your interview.

Even though this part of the process can take a while, every step you finish gets you closer to the final interview and to being reunited with your partner in the U.S. It can feel like a long journey, but remember, every step forward is progress. If you have any questions or concerns, we’re committed to supporting you every step of the way, helping you navigate the complexities of the immigration journey with confidence. If you find yourself overwhelmed or uncertain about the next steps, reach out for advice, and don’t hesitate to visit our resource center for more detailed guides to use on your journey through this process.

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